There is a time when you have seen it all and when you have had enough of it.
  • Integrale EVO2 chips being copied for the fiat coupé and labelled EVOCAR and ABART?
  • check
  • Chips labelled as upgraded grale chips but actually also being the same EVOCAR?
  • yes
  • HF 4WD maps copied for the 8V integrale?
  • deam right
  • Fiat coupé chips with unlimited boost and unmapped injection tables? Could it be powerchip?
  • yep
  • People selling dead peoples chips on ebay without any scrupule and not knowing a thing about mapping or what the 16V turbo is all about.
  • Yep!

    Ah well, i've tried every single one, they are all rubbish, boosting to high, overfueling or not fueling enough.

    The bullshit stops right here!!!

    Still unsure if you should try these chips on your car?


    Let's start with the worst: powerchip has unlimited boost tables, this means there is no boost restriction, you will see 1,8 bars of pressure. The ecu safety featutures allowing to hold back boost have been disables, you can exceed 1,5bar and this chip is installed with a PRV. As far as the injection tables go, verry little is done, and it runs poor on part throttle. Instead of reducing the ignition advance to at lease prevent the engine from detting, they added some more hig revs. Oh dear...


    This is the evocars 'mapped' injection table for the fiat coupé and the lancia delta HF LS:

    Not look at this injection table, this is the original lancia integrale EVO2 injection table:

    It's pretty clear to me both are identical so when you run an evo chip you actually run a 15year old stock evo2 chip with upped boost. Of course the engine is not happy with it as the sensors and breakpointsare different from the grale, resulting in jerking behaviour, popping exhaust. Also like on most chips the ignition advance is way too high at high boost.


    The so called 'mapped' injection table of the evocar for the 16V integrale:


    I had high hopes for these chips as prograle seems to be capable to map an ECU properly but this is what you get when you have bought a 4-way switchable chip which is supposed to be an upgrade for your evocars mappings:
    Again this is evocars integrale mapping with changes boost tables and modified injector advance.? Fueling is nearly untouched.

    What can i say more, it makes me feel sad and angry at the same time, seeing these copies of copies. Ignition advance is almost always too high, fueling and part throttle enrichment are poor. Maybe you now understant why the integrale and fiat coupé is sometimes considered as unreliable.

    I can't stress enough, do not install these chips...